Monday, June 27, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011


In the last few months I have been extremely lucky to take a step into the world of the Boston Bruins. While I have always been a playoff hockey fan and loved watching the hurricanes and the B's as the school year was ending, this season was different. For the last 2 months I have dived headfirst into a world I could never trully grasp. Grasp is even too strong, as I was barely checking the pulse. With Kenmore celebrations and victory parades and cup sightings and wild casino nights and fenway duck boats I was only seeing a part of it. Running into Tim Thomas on the street and having him give some daps to my passengers as he walked to his car, a mob of 300 people behind him as the police paved his way. Seeing Marchand off his rocker at 3 pm the day the cup came home and again on fathers day as he danced on the front of the duck boat with papelbons jersey waving in the air. The text from Rich Peverley asking for a pedi cab ride for his wife and his to a "secret" victory dinner and bar night at Stella's in the south end. His question on whether it would be ok to crack open a beer on the ride. and my response that "you just won the stanley cup man, you can do whatever you want". His recounting locker room details about the victory in Vancouver and the plans that he and the guys had for the next few days. ("No wives or girlfriends allowed after the parade" he said to his sister over the phone, " so you might want to wait until next week...I can get the cup for us then" so so awesome.

I could go on for quite some time about all the awesome stuff in the last week and still not talk about meeting Joey and James, and working with those guys at the garden. Getting my friends to come and help out and experience everything as well, meeting the season ticket holders, eating the press box buffet with sportswriters and national commentators, hearing the pregame soccer ball workouts, posing in front of the net, and the atmosphere of a Boston Garden post game.

But when I read this article my uncle wrote it brought it to another level. It might take a few minutes but you should absolutely take the time.


(also, the first time i have uploaded pictures from my phone to my computer....)

Monday, June 20, 2011

not enough but a start.

The last three weeks of my life have been pretty top notch fantastic awesome special... I havent had to much time to write anything down and i especially havent been on my computer barely at all. Last night before going to bed i listened to Hypem for the first time in about 2 weeks and it reminded me some things I should really get on top of doing. getting slammed with a diplo and skrillex track that sounded exactly like it should sound and following it up with a pretty lights live track from i need to have some computer time. for music, for life, for lots of things. from mike coming to visit from cali, to a week at bonnaroo to a week with the irish dudes, it has been a whirlwind of a time.

theres so much i want to type i dont know where to start. Looking forward to camp bisco now that my new roomate is down for the adventure and hopefully fast action will buy his ticket soon....big time excited....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I havet even posted my bonnaroo post yet but I jusneed to reitterat how awesome it is to be in boston for game 7 baby!!! 3-0 bruins!!!!

Life is so good!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

woodstock 1969

the first post i have uploaded on my phone...types like the ipod but much more sensitive and not quite as used to it. nice to type.such a long message...on my way to bonnaroo with caroline, mia, and nicole packed in nice before we stop in roanoke and before a chatanooga via atl via germany pick up. keeping the car journal going. were going to roo along with 3 other cars from new hampshire.and maine and new york. we all had a connection...

we with a mini van and stake out a great 2 car site and await dani and laurens arrival...
listening to jack beats essential.

i think i will turn my phone off very shortly and use the flip phone  i bought at the homemaker thrift shop. love that place.

until next time.