Wednesday, February 18, 2009

american vs. French dinner....aslan...

Last night before we headed out to the on campus concert at the olebar, I made an American Dinner of hot dogs, beans, french fries, chicken nuggets, and potato salad for the french girls (and Cyril came too) It was pretty awesome especially because hte girls are going to make a french themed dinner another time (tomorrow) so that should be awesome. After dinner though we all played Kings, and I taught everyone how to play. It was pretty great that they had never heard about it and loved it so much. We actually even finished an entire game! Anyway, the cool part about that story is that the next day in class, Arnaud presented how to play in his advertising or Marketing class! He had to give a one minute presentation on ANYthing so he chose something interesting that he just learned! After he went over time his teacher told him to take extra so that they could all learn! that's awesome. Americanizing house party at a time.

at the ole bar it was pretty awesome. this irish group aslan was there and they were really really good. the place was packed and it stayed open until 2 am so it was cool to have a place to stay all night especially whne i had no class today. they were really good. check out Aslan, Crazy World. Live would probably be the best way to listen to it so check that out on youtube. they played it as an encore and it was great. After they were done they had a a great playlist that they used with some MGMT, Kate perry, Bon Jovi, Madonna, Justice, and was pretty awesome.

A really fun tuesday night.

I opened a bank account here more atm fees.
i think im going to go to Cork this weekend.
things are still really expensive.
Im leaving after hitting post to go eat some fresh crepes.
How bout ARoid huh.
I dropped a 20euro bill...that is painful. no more pubs the rest of the week now.
uconn down to pitt....darn...duke to bc.....miss watching that stuff
I am going to meet a host family on Monday....should be cool...hopefully ill get someone cool....

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